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Pandas functions

Pandas List To DataFrame – How To Create

Convert lists to DataFrame in Pandas

You might need to convert your numpy arrays into a DataFrame. Or maybe you have a list of values (while working in vanilla python) and you want to turn them into a DataFrame within Pandas. That is where list to dataframe comes into play.


I do this most often when I’m iterating through a for loop, saving the values, and then need to create a new DataFrame from them. Important: When passing multiple lists, you must pass lists that represent rows.

Pseudo Code: With your python lists, turn them into a pandas DataFrame

Pandas DataFrame

Pandas List To DataFrame Parameters

Since creating a DataFrame from a list uses the standard pd.DataFrame(), you only have to worry about those parameters

  • data = The data that you want your DataFrame to be created from. In this case, it is going to be the list(s) you pass. Each list represents a row in your future DataFrame.
  • index = You can pass an index that is the same length as the number of lists you pass. Think of index as row labels
  • columns = Your column names. The length of this list of columns must match the number of items in your child lists.

Now the fun part, let’s take a look at a code sample

Link to code

Official Documentation

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